(Cont. from Page 30/4/97A).


Nor is it true faith to falsely accuse another, in contravention of the Word of God, and in jealousy and hatred to lyingly condemn him.


Nor was it true faith to have said: 'Ron, what I do with certain "brothers", is I get their confidence, and when I've got it, and they think they've got me, I stick the knife in and turn it.'  These words were uttered by a satanist JW 'elder' of Cwmbran.


Nor is it true faith to ignore a warning censure from the Lord: Two women JWs were preaching on a doorstep in Deal when a branch fell on them. "For where two or three have met together in my name, I am there among them."  (Matt 18:20 NEB).  In their case, it was the Spirit of the Lord's anger.


Nor is it true faith to masquerade as teachers of God's Word in order to murder, as was the case of the daughter of a JW 'elder'. (Daily Express. 13/3/85). "You will recognize them by the fruits they bear."  (Matt 7:16 NEB).


Nor was it true faith to refuse further studies of the Bible with a family because they wished to be excused while they mourned the death of a family member. Two female JWs masquerading as Christians did this.  (They should also have passed the responsibility of this family Bible study to a spiritually qualified brother in the faith).  (1 Tim 2:11-14).


Nor is it true faith for an unsealed JW 'elder' to abscond with a young female, and when caught by the police to say:  'Bloody hell, it's the fuzz.'


Nor is it the work of true faith to breed pigs for human consumption, as the JW sect does on their Watchtower farms.  (Isaiah 66:16,17).


Nor is it true faith when one masquerades as an anointed one by usurping the congregational responsibilities of faithful anointed sons of God.  (Rev 3:9).


Nor is it true faith to assemble to worship God at stadiums where idols are worshipped;  especially when the JW sect owns vast tracts of land and property worldwide.


Nor is it true faith when JWs abandon servants of God that become too old and infirm to serve at JW headquarters.


Nor is it true faith to pray aloud on behalf of a congregation, when its members should pray privately on their own behalf, and in secret.  (Matt 6:5,6).

The Christ said: "If, when you are bringing your gift to the altar (to offer spirit sacrifices to God),  you suddenly remember that your brother has a grievance against you, leave your gift where it is before the altar. First go and make your peace with your brother, and only then come back and offer your gift."  (Matt 5:23,24 NEB). The apostle Paul, speaking by inspiration from God also wrote: "I implore you, my friends, keep your eye on those who stir up quarrels and lead others astray, contrary to the teaching you received.  Avoid them, for such people are servants not of Christ our Lord but of their own appetites, and they seduce the minds of innocent people with smooth and specious words".  (Rom 16:17,18 NEB).


Bent of mind;  desire, inclination, disposition, etc.  


Having a fair or attractive appearance or character, but in reality devoid of the qualities apparently possessed.


