(Cont. from Page 19/11/89B).


(Page 3).

Our Lord Jesus provided symbolic language to augment Spirit knowledge,
including knowledge of our enemies, as follows:

The "wild beast" has robbed the poor of justice and extended its boundaries
with satanic authority, ruling politically for 666 years through demonically
inspired men with its "mark" 666.

Aid agencies of the "false prophet" arouse the nations to be
'bandage-dressers' for people struck down by the anger of God.

The "mother of the harlots" originated in ancient Babylon.
Over many generations "she" has veiled the minds of people
and their consciences regarding the Kingdom of God.

Sectarian religions are the "harlot" 'daughters'
of their "mother", "Babylon the great".

The satanic will of the "contemptible creature" was in opposition
to the Holy Covenant of God for a Kingdom of Spirit anointed
priests and judges to rule the earth from heaven

The "disgusting thing" "trampled" upon faithful anointed sons of God
and removed them. They are the "man of lawlessness" and are standing
in authority in the holy place. This "sacrilegious abomination" against the
Spirit of God is the apostate sect falsely calling themselves Jehovah's Witnesses.

The "Antichrist" chooses to believe that the Son of God is also God,
thereby knowing neither. Refusing to accept The Christ is His
First-born Son is to reject The Christ's God-given authority.

Through their Godless schemes rebel spirits have been made manifest.
They are all gathered to the place that is called in Hebrew Har-Ma.ged'on.
They have all been refined out from everlasting spirit life in the heavenly realm of God.

(Cont. on Page 21/11/89).

