(Cont. from Page 16/10/94E).

The Bible Students wished to receive accolades for their neutrality as they also declared their unswerving loyalty to the United States Government: "We are not against the Government in any sense of the word. We recognize the Government of the United States as the best government on earth. We recognize that governments, being political and economic institutions, have the power and authority, under the fundamental law, to declare war and to draft their citizens." [Watchtower, 1917, p.6221] ...When none of this served to keep their leaders out of prison, the Bible Students, at a convention in Pittsburgh on January 2-5, 1919, unanimously passed a resolution attesting to "their loyalty to the government and people of these United States." The Watch Tower instructed its readers to honour President Wilson's designation of May 30, 1918, as a day of national prayer and supplication for the success of the American war effort. [Watchtower, June 1, 1918]... Jehovah's Witnesses now acknowledge that they "did not," during World War 1, "display the proper neutrality of the Christian." [Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, p.92]... Their spiritual error, as they later saw it, was to misread Romans 13:1: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." They, like the orthodox churches, had understood the Apostle Paul's words to apply to governmental authorities. Their error, they say, was in not recognizing that the "higher powers" were in fact Jehovah God and Christ Jesus... As the Witnesses became less and less a threat to the established order and the status quo in America, they performed another 180-degree turn: in the 1960s, without apology or embarrassment and with their customary aplomb, they once again reversed themselves and pronounced human governmental authorities as the "higher powers." And so they readopted the reading of Romans 13     the reading for which they had once calumnized the clergy. (Pg.115-117). This turn-about actually took place because JWs began receiving the political "mark" of the "wild beast". (Rev 13:16-18). As for the "superior authorities" placed in their relative positions by God, they are the laws of God that bear His sword of justice.  (For the correct reading of Romans 13:1-6 see Page 666P).

By 1927, the pressure for all Bible Students to become door-to-door preachers and to turn in weekly activity reports to headquarters had become so intense that many of Rutherford's followers dropped away. (There is a very high turnover among the Witnesses. One sees disproportionately few elderly people at Watchtower conventions.) The departure of many Bible Students in 1927 was no doubt hastened by the fact that Rutherford, who was as mathematically adroit as his predecessor, had led the Bible Students to believe that 1925 marked the time for Christ's anointed followers to go to heaven and for "the faithful men of old" to be resurrected to rule as princes on the earth. Some Bible Students made preparations for the resurrection of their loved ones in that year     getting spare rooms ready, airing out old clothes from attic trunks. (Pg.118,119).

Needless to say, they were again disappointed. As to the "princes" of the "new earth", they will be the descendants of Spirit anointed ones. (Isaiah 61:8,9. 65:17). And as for the resurrection, it is not that our Creator is unable to resurrect the dead to another earthly life, but that according to His written Word it is not His Will to do so. All  resurrections are to heavenly life in the spirit realm of God. Lazarus was resurrected back to earthly life solely "for the glory of God, in order that the Son of God may be glorified through it."  (John 11:4.  1 Cor 15:42-49).

(Cont. on Page 16/10/94G).

